Hard dsk maintenance for mac
Hard dsk maintenance for mac

Run the free CCleaner for the Mac: Ĩ: If running another operating system in BootCamp or virtual machine software, revert to a earlier secure snapshot and do all the updates and cleaning.ĩ: Update your more immediate backup system, either TimeMachine and/or bootable clones if they are disconnected. Install software directly from the developers website if it's there instead, it will have it's own updater and be faster that way, especially for any software that contacts the Internet routinely, like Opera or other browsers or mail programs.ģ: Third Party System Preferences files and Finder menu items - don't forget updating those.Ĥ: Third Party Web Browser Plug-ins - This checker can assist enormously: ĥ: Reset Safari and all web browsers caches files located in each browser's preferences.Ħ: Reset Flash and other web browser plugin caches find out where they are located per browser pluginħ: For Privacy. Some developers are not carrying on AppStore anymore so their software might not be current there. Note: AppStore software is usually behind about 4-8 weeks. You have a further issue to fix.Step by Step to fix your MacĬheck for browser add-ons that if there are any updates for those.Īnti-malware software, update the definitions to make sure it's current.

hard dsk maintenance for mac hard dsk maintenance for mac

Open each and search for a update button or visit the developers website and verify the version or uninstall if issues develop according to the developers directions (do no use AppDelete type programs).Ī warning flag should go off if your auto-updating program (like Chrome or Firefox) is not the current compatible OS X version. So I'm going to share what you can do to keep your Mac running fine.ġ: Apple Menu > Software Update (repeat until clear) - fixes issues and security problems in Apple provided software.

hard dsk maintenance for mac hard dsk maintenance for mac

Although you might have heard that "Mac's don't need maintenance" they actually do in sense to keep things more or less in line or the machine can become a mess through a users inaction to keep things tidy and updated.

Hard dsk maintenance for mac